What if it wasn’t a problem?

What if we looked at every problem as an offer of a solution?

That’s actually what discomfort can be, but instead, we sit and stew in the erroneous belief that what we’re feeling or what’s occurring is a problem and shouldn’t be happening.

But. . . it is happening. And even though it might be painful and disruptive, it is the right thing to be happening, because it is an entrance to the door of the way forward.

It may take time to sort out how to create needed change. But if you allow yourself to feel the discomfort, keep your observer on and offer yourself the gentle reminder that the discomfort is presenting a possible solution, you’re more than halfway there.

If we were super comfortable with what needed to change, we wouldn’t feel like changing it, would we?

See if you can embrace the discomfort, remembering that we all suffer in this way, and then let yourself breathe through it to the other side. I’ll be doing it along with you.



New Year for the Trees


Autumnal Offering